iTechnolabs' Five-Step Guide to Publishing Your Android App on the Google Play Store


Android phones have now become the most used gadgets by almost everyone in the world. Their increasing use has caused mobile apps to expose firms to be major players in the market.

Apps go beyond an investment for businesses. It can affect your business's visibility in a range of market segments and help the application expand its market by driving higher per-conversion rates and generating excitement for your application.

Even iTechnolabs creating apps isn't any lower than the process of moving mountains. It's the half-battle that's won. It's the other part of getting the app for your company operational on the Google Play store.

How To Submit App To Google Play Store

The current market of apps has 2.89 million downloaded apps. Android users had the option of 3.48 million applications as of the start of 2021's quarter, which makes Google Play the app store that has the largest selection of applications. This shows that it is that the Play Store for Android is an ideal place to publish your application.

We've created this blog to provide you with information on the basics of Google Play uploads from the beginning until the end. Let's begin by launching Google Play Publish without further explanation.

You must comply with every step!

First step. Create the Google Wallet Merchant and link it to your Developer Account.

Once the app is published on the Play Store, it will need a merchant account. This helps in the planning of sales paid by app as well as in-app purchases. It allows you to control payments and sales in addition to accessing sales reports and sales reports. All you have be do is follow these procedures.

  • Enter the menu, and choose the option to Report.
  • Pick Financial Report
  • Click here for Merchant account setup
  • Add your information
  • Complete your submission
  • Merchant accounts are able to make an affiliation with the Developer accounts.

Step 2: Study Google Developer Policies

After you've put the idea for your app, Now is the time for each feature to adhere to the Google guidelines for android app development. This document outlines the procedure to develop and market applications that meet the highest quality specifications of the Google store.

If Google determines that a certain item is not in compliance with a certain policy, it can be removed or blocked. 

In addition, repeat violations could lead to an account being cancelled by a developer.

Therefore, take the time to review the information available on the:

  • Restricted content description
  • Promotion and listing of the shop
  • Intellectual property, as well as impersonation
  • Rules for advertising and monetization
  • Privacy regulation, as well as security and deceit
  • Spam, as well as the necessary

Google's guidelines are always altering, making it essential to be aware of these changes and keep up-to-date even after the app has been launched.

We'll discuss the mobile strategy for your app.

Our specialists will assist in making it an absolute success!

Step 3: Using the Google Console to Create the App

Now you have the file to upload. We can begin by creating a brand new application in your Android App Developer Account.

  • Click on the menu and choose the All Applications tab.
  • Choose Create Application now.
  • The drop-down list will let you select the default language of the app.
  • Provide a short description of the description of the KT
  • Select Create

Then, you'll be directed to the entry page for your store, and we'll enter all the details of your app.

Step 4: Content Rating

Based on what the Review suggests, the app may be unable to get a high-rated rating by Google Play Stores. Pick one of the apps on the Console Playlist and select Store Presence from the menu. Ratings can help bring a specific user to the app. It is always possible to provide the exact information you need in your report. An incorrect rating could cause harm to users, but it could also cause the Google application's removal or suspension.

  • The content rating can be accessible via an option located in the upper right-hand corner of your page. On the tab called 'Continuation, select the button 'Continuation.
  • The next step is to complete a questionnaire. You can also choose Save Questionnaire once you complete the questionnaire.
  • Select the Calculated Rating option in order to receive a full analysis from the PlayStore.
  • Then the page, select "Apply Rating" in order to check the rating. Then, continue to the distribution and pricing strategy.

Step 5: Pricing the Application

It is possible to download your application absolutely free. The Android applications available in the Play Store can be purchased and may be upgraded to pay in the future. You should select an affordable pricing model when you can. Choose the next step, which locations your apps are being distributed. It is possible to select any country or choose a specific location where your app is distributed. Additionally, you will have the option to download specific Android applications and devices.

Within the pricing as well as distribution Section in the Pricing and Distribution section, complete the following details:

  • Regardless of whether your application is paid or free, it will be paid for,
  • When will the app become made available? (choose one of the countries on the drop-down list.)
  • If your application will be available only on certain devices
  • Can the app be used for children who aren't 13 years old because it is a sensitive app?
  • No matter if the app you are using contains advertising

Be aware that you are able to move from a paid application for an app to one that is free at a later time, but not in reverse the process. This means that you'll need to make a brand new application if you intend to sell the app for sale at a later date.

How Can I Get My App Featured In The Play Store?

It is your responsibility to make sure that the app's availability is wide and that a lot of users download it. The time has come to make sure that the apps are through the Play Store. It's a method that will help you stand out by introducing your site or service differently, i.e., using innovative technology. iTechnolabs can aid in gaining more customer satisfaction by enhancing Google PlayStore apps and increasing their exposure to your android app development services a greater amount than once.

What Should You Do After Your Play Store App Is Accepted?

What is the best way to make an application available to Playstore? Let's get it covered. First, you must list how your app is considered to be globally positioned through Google.

Initiate Press-Release

Press releases are a different method to promote your product. Your brand will become known, and a lot of publicity surrounding the release of your app can aid in bringing your app to more people. Press releases that describe the keywords, features and thoughts of Android team members working on app development and demonstrate a great application marketing plan. This is an excellent instance of the app's user getting excellent outcomes.

Promote App On Social Media

Social Media will increase the appeal of your site dramatically. The popularity of your application is a great factor since social media is a powerful force. Many social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and others, are in operation. Promoting apps through these sites could also drive users and, eventually, even increase the number of downloads.

Focus On App Maintenance And Updates

It is possible to upload your software into an app store at no cost. It is important to keep your app operating as soon as it can and regularly update your application by addressing any issues and a bug. It's not an all-day affair to take action. Maintain the app up to date and implement any workarounds that are needed.

Practice ASO

Optimization of the App Store is a well-acknowledged process that is used to optimize Android applications. The process was originally dubbed AOO. The process is focused on elements of the application that boost the popularity of your app on the AppStore. Additionally, this approach increases the likelihood of conversion from impressions to downloads.


iTechnolabs These steps will guide you through the process of publishing efficiently. Soon, Play Store users will be able to download your amazing app.

Remember that the path isn't over when you publish. The running of a mobile app requires constant efforts to keep it up and running; otherwise, competitors can overshadow the application.


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